
A nonprofit technology blog authored by Toastmaster, Susan Cannon, ACG of Susanville.com

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Win an Autographed Sammy Hagar T-Shirt

If you are a die hard Sammy Hagar or Van Halen fan, you won't want to miss this opportunity to win the autographed Sammy Hagar t-shirt pictured below (photos by Julie Cahill).  Anyone who makes a donation in support of the fire recovery fund setup by Susanville this weekend receives an opportunity to win.   

When Susan, the founder of Susanville, LLC, learned about the Love You Madly virtual benefit for Santa Cruz Fire Relief, happening tonight, she knew it was a fantastic opportunity to amply the good they were doing by offering this XL t-shirt as a prize for anyone made a donation of any size to the fund up until midnight December 6th. The winner will be selected Monday morning, December 7th.

received the Sammy Hagar autographed t-shirt as a Christmas gift from the newly formed Liquid Audio in the mid-90s.   Susanville's mission is to encourage people to make a habit of doing good as wellness practice.  

Susan registered the Feel The Joy nonprofit with LegalZoom while she was evacuated from her own home.  She did this to assure people who donate through Susanville would receive the tax benefits from their contributions.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Power of 3s to Grow Your Toastmaster Club

My Santa Cruz Toastmaster club, like many other Toastmaster clubs, has discovered  that we aren't receiving as many requests for guests to visit our club since COVID has restricted our ability to meet in person.  This has propelled us to consider new approaches to grow membership.

This past month, my home club hosted an Open House in the hopes of attracting some new members. At the end of one of our club meetings, a week before the Open House, I asked our members to complete an exercise with me.   I asked them to write down:
  • 3 reasons they joined Toastmasters
  • 3 things they'd gained from Toastmasters
  • 3 people they know who would benefit from Toastmasters that they'd enjoy having in our club.
I then asked them to make a commitment to communicate 3 times with these 3 people that they'd written down in these 3 different ways in this order:
  • Email them
  • Text message them on their Mobile Phone
  • Call them on the phone
The idea for this exercise came to me after attending Mary Czarnecki's Marketing Accelerator. I began to ponder how to leverage the tools she'd given our cohorts to engage customers to grow Toastmaster club membership.  Mary gamified the task of attracting potential customers among the cohorts in her program.  Each of us was to track how many times we communicated with potential customers via social media, over the phone, by email or through any other channel we might be using for communication and compare our results with each other as a means to motivate us. 

I've come to realize that the digital marketing that I've been doing for our club as VP of Public Relations wasn't nearly as effective as having a friend or college invite another to the club.

My first year as VP of Public Relations for my club, I attained permission to the club website and Facebook page.  I learned how to post events to our districts Meetup when we had Open Houses.  I found that for the most part, our club members didn't want to engage over Facebook.  People didn't come to our Open Houses when we advertised them on the Meetup. 

We'd begun to rely on the people who would find us by searching on the Toastmaster.org website.  Our club was conveniently located in downtown Santa Cruz at a popular cowering location  and our evening meeting time was convenient for individuals who attended after work.

The lack luster results of Facebook to attract new members to our club made it clear to me that growing a Toastmasters club requires a different approach than what is often applied to growing an online or brick and mortar business.   As VP of Public Relations for several terms, I've completed the officer training for the role more than a few times.  Most of the emphasis has been on digital marketing.  

It is also true that although a Toastmaster club is a nonprofit, the needs of clubs is quite different than most nonprofits.  The goals of most nonprofits are to raise funds to support programs, whereas a Toastmaster club focuses on growing membership to 1-2 dozen people on average.  

Nonprofits and businesses typically desire to attract larger numbers of individuals.  Toastmasters members interact regularly with each other.  Nonprofit supporters and customers of businesses do not typically develop long term relationships with their organizations the way that members of a club do.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Susanville, Technology Loft, Nonprofits & Toastmasters

I, Susan Cannon registered the Technology Loft domain when I began working as a consultant in 2003.  I continued working as a consultant off and on until 2014. 

  • Security Architect, Program Manager and Engineering Manger for Gridata building a data management center for Intel's Home Energy Management System. 
  • Digital Rights Management (DRM) Architect  for Hewlett-Packard Corporation where she designed DRM integration for Starbuck’s Hear Music Media Bar 3.0 system. Incorporated Microsoft’s DRM subscription licensing into the system by forwarding in-store license requests through a back-end web service to a MS License Server by inserting a web service in the license request process.
  • Software Engineer for LightSurf, Inc. where she developed Java based SOAP service utilizing J2EE and Resin using Eclipse.

I became a board member for India Partners between consulting for Gridata and served there for 9 years helping to grew funding from 1/2 million to over 1 million.  It was through that experience that I became aware of the administrative side of philanthropy and became convinced to apply my technology experience to the task of releasing the joy of giving in individuals who contribute to worthy organizations.

In 2014, I participated in TechRaising where I first shared my vision to create a giving platform that enabled individuals to give to specific individuals the way that Kiva enables micro-funding.  That year, I built a team of co-horts for Susanville.  We  were accepted in the National Science I-CORP Lean Startup Program.   After interviewing over 100 nonprofits and donors, I realized the pitfalls in that vision and pivoted.  I left the program intent on building a mobile application to enable spontaneous micro-donations.   I was unsure how to legally enable individuals to donate to qualify for tax deductions when donating to a nonprofit through a for profit business. 

The following year, I completed the PROPEL program.  I was stuck on the question of how to grow a business when the transaction fee of a micro donation was so small and the cost of customer acquisition was so high.

I has continued to refining my vision and working to innovate nonprofits fundraising for the past four years as a member of Santa Cruz Toastmasters club.  The club members have provided valuable feedback through the over thirty projects I  completed for her Advanced Communicator Silver award at the club. The majority of the projects were directly related to Susanville and nonprofit fundraising.  Projects such as this one completed in April of 2018 when preparing for the Monterey Startup Challenge.

Last year, Susanville pivoted from the vision presented in that speech after a trip to visit the Gates Foundation in Seattle and learning about the mobile giving platforms they used. I called the company and finally admitted the overwhelming challenges a mobile giving application would face.   I'd known that onboarding users to install and use a mobile application would be challenging.   Rather than initially building a mobile giving application, I decided to initially build an online giving service.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Making Waves

Santa Cruz Orators (SCO) Toastmasters club has been making waves for over 31 years.  Won't you join our Anniversary Party over Zoom to celebrate this milestone at 12:15pm Monday, June 15th?  Our club invites you to see what we are all about.
 Meeting ID: 601 456 7445
Or join by phone at:
+1 669 900 9128 (San Jose)

Looking for more opportunities to deliver prepared speeches, I joined Santa Cruz Orators earlier this year when they were meeting in-person at the Tannery Arts Center.  I was immediately impressed with the camaraderie of the club and their commitment to help each other grow.

"I’ve transformed my speaking skills since joining Santa Cruz Orators,” says member Analisa Baker. “When I joined the club I was seeking more confidence and competence in speaking and presenting. SCO has many seasoned speakers who have been with the club for a long time and offer great support and mentorship. We enjoy a diverse membership and have fun learning together."

Santa Cruz Orators (SCO) Toastmasters club, formerly known as Santa Cruz Operations (SCO) Toastmasters club was founded at Santa Cruz Operations where they made waves by being the first Unix operating system to distribute an internet browser.

The company was founded by graduates from the local University of California, Santa Cruz.  The SCO club continues to honor the SCO cultural legacy.

"...the (SCO) culture was very Santa Cruz oriented, it was fun, but also extremely intelligent, very high tech, very ambitious, very idealistic, those are all things that are very Santa Cruz," Peggy Dolgenes,  co-founder  and CEO of Cruzio.
The history of Santa Cruz Operations is legendary among the technology community of Santa Cruz.

How Can a "Blue Mind" Help Us As Communicators?
As a member of Santa Cruz Toastmasters for several years, I would like to invite you to our upcoming open house on June 11th.   If you have ever wanted to overcome your fear of public speaking or desired to improve your ability to tell your story in front of an audience, Toastmasters provides a wonderful community to learn and grow.  There are many clubs to choose from and each club has it's own personality based on the interests of its members.   An interesting topic, we will explore at our Open House is is our commitment to water, the theme of Blue Mind.

So what is a Blue Mind you ask?  The phrase originates from studies done by Wallace J. Nichols, Ph.. who authored the book "Blue Mind" and lives in our local community.  When MRI brain scans are done red indicates anxiety and blue represents calm.  Studies show that are brains transition to blue when we are in and around water.  Health metrics such as blood pressure are lowered when people are near or in water.

Nichols has spearheaded the Blue Mind Movement encouraging all of us to steward our water resources well with the wisdom that we depend so heavily on them for our health and happiness.

How can a Blue Mind help us as communicators?  Our current club president, Catherine Borrowman, is an environmental services specialist working for the City of San Jose.  She has delivered speeches about increasing the use of recycled water, and how planning construction projects sustainably can reduce water contamination in the San Francisco Bay.  Catherine will speak at our open house about her stewardship values for water resources, and how living with purpose can improve one's ability to give speeches, communicate clearly, and lead a group.  A Blue Mind  is a calm, focused mind, flexible with flowing thoughts.  Our president-elect, Beth Burroughs Abidi, M.D. will speak about the benefits of mentoring, how this can improve your personal communication skill set.

Several of our club members are passionate about wellness, personal growth and environmental protection.  Three club members are avid sailors.  We live in an incredible environment: adjacent to the San Lorenzo River, in a majestic redwood forest and most marvelous of all, alongside the Monterey Bay National Sanctuary.  When we aren't "sheltering-in-place", we meet each Thursday evening in the Doug Ross meeting room of Cruzio, named in memory of our past president and Cruzio co-working member.  Doug helped to build a club that was struggling back up to a thriving club through structured leadership cultivating a safe place for people to grow while establishing accountability and friendship between members.  My fondest memories were when he'd arrrive late or just barely on time for a meeting because he'd been out rescuing a whale caught up in fishing net.  He was working through the leadership track of Toastmasters and delivered few speeches.  The one speech I recall him delivering was one educating us on the harmful impact of plastic to ocean life.

Through Susanville.com, I have actively participated in the #100daysofblue on social media for several years between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Each day sharing with people how being in and around water regularly improves one's health and so does doing good on a regular basis.    This year, I plan to use the skills I've gained at Toastmasters to begin interviewing nonprofits who have Blue Mind missions that have a connection to water in their programs.

I hope you will join me at the Santa Cruz Toastmasters open house on June 11th, This is an opportunity for you to visit our club and understand a bit about cultivating Blue Mind awareness while improving personal improving personal communication skills.

Meeting ID: 601 456 7445

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,6014567445# US (San Jose)

Our club's event has been posted on Meetup for District 101 as well as on our club's Facebook page.

Additional resources:





Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How to Speak so People Want to Listen!

As the club coach for the Surf City Advanced Toastmaster club, I am excited to invite you to our Open House this coming Saturday, April 25h at 9am to celebrate our anniversary. 

We all want to be someone people want to listen to hear.  Have you ever started telling a story at a party and had the person you were speaking to make a lame excuse to break out of the conversation?  All of the skills one learns in public speaking can be applied to 1-on-1 communication.  With everyone sheltering-in-place there has never been a time like now to commit to improving your communication skills, because we can attend Toastmaster meetings online over Zoom from our living rooms.

And, there is no better club than the Surf City Advanced Toastmasters Club to do that.


Join our "Open House" celebrating Surf City's anniversary.  

Meeting ID: 601 456 7445

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,6014567445# US (San Jose)

Our event will demonstrate the "round robin speech evaluation" format of our meetings. Each speech evaluation is completed by Advanced Toastmasters from our club. Solarzar Dellaporta will be delivering an 18-20 minute sales presentation project for the demonstration.

Each guest will receive digital information with details about how they can join our club.

Contact: Susan Cannon/suecannon@gmail.com for more information.

What makes Surf City Advanced Toastmasters so special?

Toastmasters International cultivates a growth mindset throughout the worldA growth mindset is a mindset that people can be develop their core abilities through dedication and hard work.   Intelligence and talent are simply one's starting point.   The in-depth high quality feedback evaluating speeches at the Surf City club builds upon the Toastmaster's inherent growth mindset.  They do so by giving individuals richer feedback when delivering a speech. The richer feedback affords the opportunity for accelerated growth.

In-depth Feedback

All Toastmaster clubs help individuals overcome their initial trepidations surrounding speaking in front of a group of people.   What makes Surf City Advanced Toastmasters so special is their in-depth speech evaluations.   Surf City meeting is organized around  "round robin speech evaluations".    Most Toastmaster meetings will provide a written and verbal review of a person's speech.  In the Surf City club, every member attending the meeting will provide both written and verbal feedback. The feedback given by the club members is reflective of the additional speaking experience they all have.

Supportive Community

From the moment, I arrived to the Surf City club, it was evident that they enjoy each other's company.  They pride themselves on being a friendly inclusive club.  Many of the club members have served as directors in Toastmasters over the years.  They have typically met on the 4th Saturday each month from 9 am to 11 am at the Scotts Valley Water District, but are now meeting online over Zoom until the quarantine is over.

Know Your WHY?  

We all have something to share and are motivated for different reasons.  What motivates you?    Do you have something to teach?  Do you have something to sell?  Are you wanting to raise awareness about a cause?  Are you wanting to be entertaining?   Are you wanting to be understood?   

Whatever your motivation, stories connect us together at an emotional level.

What is my WHY?

As part of the National Science Foundation I-CORP Lean Startup program, I was encouraged to share deeply personal stories about why I'd started my business, Susanville.com.  I joined the Santa Cruz Toastmasters (SCTM) to help harness stories that were difficult for me to share without becoming emotionally overwhelmed.  I continue to gain new skills and insights to effectively communicating my thoughts and ideas.  

Coaching the Surf City Advanced Toastmasters to become Distinguished Club  is way for me to give back to the community of Toastmasters who have helped me along my journey to to becoming someone people want to hear. Won't you join me on this journey of speaking so that people so that people want to listen?